Friday, November 25, 2011

Is Sugar in Urine Dangerous?

Urine is a substance that the human body is constantly expelling, and its composition is very indicative of what's going on inside the body and different conditions that might be impending. Besides exhaling carbon dioxide through the lungs, urine is just about the most common waste product that the body expels, and the body uses it often in order to get rid of excess compounds. But it's important to understand that urine isn't just a mixture of harmful toxins, it can be relatively innocuous. If you are drinking enough water everyday for example, your urine should be mostly just excess water.

That is where sugar in urine comes in handy. In general, when your body isn't naturally processing sugar correctly, it may get filtered out by the organs and expelled. Excess sugar in urine is a fairly indicative signal that something is happening in the body causing it to have a problem dealing with sugar. If your body is working normally, there shouldn't be any sugar in your urine. If the body has too much sugar, it should be processed and stored in cells as energy for later use.

Sugar Free

If there is sugar in your urine, it could be a possible sign of diabetes or kidney infection. There are a few other things that can cause this. Some prescription medications have that listed as one of the possible side effects, so if you are taking prescription drugs, you should definitely read up on what side effects you might be dealing with before anything else. In most cases however, having sugar in your urine is a pretty good indicator that the body is beginning to have difficulty processing all of the sugar you're taking in, which in many cases means that the person is already slightly diabetic, or that the ailment is in its initial conditions. If this is you, and you already know that you have sugar in your urine, contact your doctor immediately and schedule an appointment.

So what should you do if you think you have sugar in your urine but aren't sure? There are a few different things you can do. There are a lot of different kinds of urine tests that you can find in stores or order online, and you can also find self-administering blood tests as well which are said to be much more accurate. If you're in the preliminary stages and just want to see if there's sugar in your urine, there are a lot of good tests for home use out there that you can buy. Some tests measure urine, while others take a small sample of blood and are reported to be very accurate.

If you're going the route of blood testing, here are a few general numbers for where your blood sugar ought to be at. In normal persons glucose levels should be between 70 and 150 mg. This varies however, and are sometimes lower in the morning, and right after you eat. Blood sugar out of this range can be labeled hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic, which are both potentially dangerous and uncomfortable situations. If you want to measure blood sugar, you'll need to really make sure you read all of the directions carefully on the product, as blood sugar isn't a constant in the body but can vary depending on time of day and when your last meal was.

** This article is for your general knowledge and shouldn't be taken as medical advise or a medical diagnosis.

Is Sugar in Urine Dangerous?

Sugar in urine is one of the classic early warning signs of diabetes. If you have diabetes or if you think you might have something like hypoglycemia without diabetes, it's good to do your research and find out more.


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