Monday, December 26, 2011

7 Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake Without Any Particular Effort!

7 Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake Without Any Particular Effort!

There are things we can avoid when on a diet. As most of us may know, sugar is one of the main reasons of weight gain, and bad health. Here I will show you 7 ways to reduce your daily intake of sugar without any particular effort...

1) Do not add any sugar into foods and beverages: This is the fastest, easiest, and basic way to immediately cut down the amount of sugar intake.

2) There is not healthier sugar: brown or white sugar are equally bad; so you better avoid them both and use honey as a natural sweetener!

3) Reduce, or eliminate some kind of carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and crisps, these are all made with white flour and other ingredients that often provide a certain amount of sugar. Because of this, it is better to choose natural whole meal foods.

4) Extra attention on fat-free foods: these food aim to attract people who are trying to follow a low caloric diet, but be careful: fat-free does not mean without calories, and these foods are loaded with sugar in most cases.

5) Be carefull also with the artificial sweeteners; they may increase your sweet cravings, more over, many experts believe that sweeteners are enemies of the metabolism, as they make it to slow down and work bad.

6) Sugar portion control: When you look in a product list of ingredients, just divide the total grams of sugar by 4. that is how many spoonfuls of sugar you are about to swallow!

7) Eat wholefruit instead natural fruit juice; it may seem beneficial having a glass of orange juice in the morning or later on during the day, but it is practically pure sugar, and without fibre with just few of the good nutrients of the real fruit.

7 Ways to Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake Without Any Particular Effort!


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